Saturday, October 27, 2012

Mr. Bones Cupcakes


I saw this cute idea in a publication recently, but now I can't remember where it came from!!  It's so easy and fun for Halloween night.  Here's how you do it:

Dab of frosting between "bones".
Cupcakes, baked
White or chocolate frosting to ice the cupcake
White frosting for between the pretzels
Yogurt covered pretzels
Black gel frosting
M & M's for the eyes
Lollipop sticks

Frost the top of the cupcake and set aside.  Add sprinkles to the top.

Ready to assemble Mr. Bones
Thread the pretzels onto the lollipop stick, adding a dab of frosting between each one to anchor and hold in place.

Decorate the marshmallow by poking in the M& M's for eyes (or use the black gel).  Add a squiggly grin.

Put the marshmallow head on top of the lollipop stick and unsert into the cupcake. 

There you have it...a cute little skeleton for your own little trick-or-treaters!!

Note:  If you use chocolate frosting on the cupcake, you can use the "bone" sprinkles.  I just didn't happen to have any.

                                                               I am sharing this with: 

                                                               Mix It Up Monday!
                                                                On the Menu Monday


  1. These are so cute, Kitty. Kids of all ages will love them. xo

  2. That is so danged CUTE, Kitty!

    I love that idea!!!!!

  3. Hi Kitty!

    Those little guys are cute and so easy to make. The grands would LOVE to decorate these.

    xoxo Bunny Jean

  4. They turned out cute Kitty! A big hit I'm sure:@)

  5. Oh my, these are fabulous! Great idea and I'm sure the kids will LOVE them :)


  6. These cupcakes are just adorable, Kitty! My grandchildren would love to help make these and eat them too!

  7. This cracks me up! Too too cute! I've never seen this idea before...thanks so much for sharing.

  8. Wow that's easy enough. I am so in love with Mr Bones!..he is adorable!..good nuff to eat!

  9. These are about as cute as you can get. SO creative!! The grands would love to make these for sure!! N.

  10. These are so much fun! Happy Halloween!

  11. Absolutely adorable! If it weren't so far, I'd come trick or treating to your house. :)



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