Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Liebster Blog Award

Yesterday I was awarded the Liebster Blog Award from Anita at Aunt Nubby's Kitchen.   I feel so honored to receive this special award & thank Anita from the bottom of my heart!! I always enjoy checking out Anita's recipes & feel that we are true "blogging  friends".  To my understanding,  in German, "Liebster" means "dear" and from the verb "Lieber" means "to love".  I do indeed feel truly loved by receiving this award. The purpose of the Liebster Blog Award is to bring attention to blogs with less than 200 followers.

The rules that go with receiving this award are:

1. Thank your giver.
2. Copy and paste the "Liebster" award to your blog.
3. Pay it forward to 5 blogs who you feel deserve this either by email or post to their blog.

The five blogs, in no particular order, that I enjoy are:
Rita Mays Recipes
Pattycakes Cooking
Designs by Pinky
Carol's Cooking

Please check out these blogs & spread the love!!




  1. That's fabulous!Congratulations on your award,Kitty - your blog deserves it:)I really like the idea of this award and hope to get it some day(sigh!sigh1);)Will definitely check out all the other lovely blogs - happy blogging!

  2. Congratulations on your award! The other blogs are wonderful. hugs ~lynne~

  3. Well, darling thanks so much! I am truely flattered!


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