
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Chubby Snowman

After Christmas, I was in the mood to make a snowman and searched the web for some ideas.  I found this tutorial for a chubby snowman and went with it.  I made the first one from a white towel, because I wanted some texture.  I'm keeping him out for awhile for the winter time.

The second one I made from an old white sweater.  I used the bottom of the sweater for the body and one of the arms for the snowman's head.  This is being sent to my sister for her birthday.

For the towel snowman, I cut the banding off one of the ends.  The towel is the perfect width to make the snowman.  All you need to do is then cut up 15-16 inches.  

My tip is when you are gathering, double your thread and make a secure knot.  Also, take a few stitches at the very beginning to secure the thread even more to reduce the chances of breakage when you are pulling the thread while gathering (not that I would know anything at all about this!!).  To add stability, some pebbles are added to the bottom of the snowman, and then stuffing fills in his body.

I used a dinner plate to measure around for the head of the snowman.

When you sew the eyes on, again make a secure knot in the back of the head.  You want indentations for the eyes of the snowman.  I marked where the nose should go with a pen, and then you make a small cut and hot glue is applied and then nose is inserted with a little more hot glue.

I use a Dollar Tree lint roller to clean off my cutting board and also on myself.  Why do I always seem to have on black when I sew???!!!

Mr. Chubby and Mr. Chubbier all finished!  I chose to leave off the arms from the tutorial.   The  hat is made from the toe end of a sock and rolled for the brim and hot glued on the head.  Buttons are hot glued down the front.  The scarf is made from a strip of homespun ( no need to sew, just fray the edges).  Even the head is hot glued on!!  Apply a little powdered blush to the cheeks and there you go! 

I am sharing this with: 


  1. Hi Kitty, Your snowmen are adorable! Also, I love the new look to your blog - the header is awesome! It looks so professional!
    xo Beth

  2. These are so cute. And your new blog design is great. Love the black and white, very striking. xo

  3. love the blog design! HOW AWESOME - super cute snowman too.

  4. How cute is that snowman? Mr. Chubby and Mr. Chubbier are darn cute. I especially love the sweater one...I'm so excited that you love your new Blog look I created. Enjoy, Kitty. XOXO Linda

  5. Oh Kitty, the snowmen "melt" my heart! So stinkin adorable! Love the new blog design too. It's like getting a new outfit for the blog :-)

  6. Adorable! I bring snowmen out after Christmas, then usually put them away when it snows too much:@)
    PS-Lovin' your new bloggy look!

  7. Those are adorable! I love love love your new blog look!! :-)

  8. The snowmen are just darling!!!! I LOVE them. What a sweet surprise to see your new blog design too. It's gorgeous. Seems to fit you very well too. VERY N-I-C-E all the way around! =) You're just full of surprises. =)

  9. Hi Kitty,

    These are absolutely adorable!!! You're so smart to be able to make these. I usually put my snowman collection out around the house in January after the Christmas decs come down and leave them out for five or six weeks. It keeps things from looking too blah after the holidays. I do love the plush snowmen, they're extra cute. :-D

    I'm so impressed with your new blog design -- it looks terrific. I especially like your header. Thanks for sharing your pictures and the link to the tutorial. Have a wonderful week!

    Denise at Forest Manor

  10. Oh Kitty, your snowmen are so adorable!...Christine

  11. Hi Kitty, these are soooooo adorable. I love snowmen, they sure put a smile on my face. I've bookmarked the page so I'll have the reference for when I get in the mood to do some sewing. Thanks for sharing the tutorial. hugs ~lynne ~

  12. Cute, cute, cute, cute, CUTE!!!!!!!!! What a darling idea & you explained it very well.
    Thanks for sharing this idea. I put snowmen out all of Jan. so it won't look so bare around here after Christmas decorations come down & when its too early to start on Valentine's Day.

    Warm Hugs,

  13. These are just adorable Kitty! I love the sweater one, I'm sure your sister will be thrilled! I've been meaning to stop by GW for a sweater for some pillows.

  14. Those are incredibly cute! I can't wait to try making one! I love the chubby sweater one especially! Thanks for sharing the idea and tutorial!

  15. I really think these are something special. I especially love the sweater one! So fun and perfect for those cold winter days. Love your blog redesign. Joni

  16. How cute are these, and I love that the snowmen are made from sweaters. Now, if I just had an old one to cut up!

  17. Cute, cute! Like the new look on the blog!

  18. They are so cute. I checked out the idea page and honestly yours are much cuter. Thank you for sharing.
    Have a great day.

  19. Oh goodness, your new blog look is you!! I see you have terrific Linda as your blog angel too! No, I don't, but I see lots of you with the gorgeous looking set ups, lol.. I love what you did better sweet Kitty. I specially love the sweater, I always wanted one! Thasnks for your lovely visit, I love it so!

  20. Kitty, these guys are adorable. Gotta love snowmen! You did a fantastic job. Your sister is going to be thrilled.

  21. Both these little snowmen are so cute, Kitty! Your blog looks wonderful with the nice new look, I really like the header!

  22. That is just too cute! I found your link up next to mine at The Dedicated House. :) Megan

  23. These are darling! Thanks for sharing.

  24. Very cute!I love the little scarves. My Mom used to make very creative snowmen years ago and this reminded me of them.

  25. Very cute snowmen. You did a great job!

  26. Your chubby snowmen are so cute. I'll bet your sister loves it.

  27. They are so adorable. What a great job you did.
    Love them, cause I love snow men.
    I have a wheelbarrow full of them sitting on my
    kitchen table still........They have such cute
    lil happy faces, they make us smile everytime
    we see them.
    blessings, Nellie
    thanks for sharing your lovely handiwork.
